Basic Config and Aggressive Config Button Idea - Request


New member
Hey Shawn,

Personal request and suggestion. I have a bunch of websites in WordPress Multisite (WPMU), as I'd mentioned before. I also have plans to add more websites in the near future. Anyway, as discussed, I thought having the ability to inherit the WPMU Network Admin configuration would be a benefit and feature others would use, which you thought might be a drain on API calls, along with your time involved.

How about this alternative. This idea actually serves the same purpose as the "Inherit" idea but does so for your entire base of users. You create two buttons (you've already got one), so change that button "Easy Config" to "Basic Config." Then create a second button, call it "Aggressive Config," and put a little rocket icon in the button.

I will send you page-by-page screenshots of my configuration as a preemptive starter. Leave my configuration up for about a week so I can get all my sites finished, then you can reconfigure it to whatever you think is appropriate or keep mine.

You can even create a post with all my screenshots, showing the "Aggressive Config" layout, or create your own. Knowing you would most likely want to use your own UI-style branding, I'd also suggest you create a similar post with a screenshot explaining the "Basic Config."

Monitor the clicks on each button to see how users react. Observe whether they opt for the DIY method or adopt one of the buttons. If you find there is enough interaction on the buttons, you might consider adding a third button somewhere in the middle and call it something like, "Advance Config."

Anyway, I'm thinking you've already got the code written for the first button, so implementing this double button idea would not be too difficult or take too much of your time. However, it would add additional powerful features and benefits to promote on your website with not too much additional work. More importantly, as I said above, his double button idea serves your entire base of users, old and new.

Lastly, it would really make it much easier and beneficial for power users, like me. Haha...

Thanks for your ear.

Well I didn’t say it was a drain on my time… just clarifying. I don’t dislike the idea of being able to copy settings from one site to another. I just haven’t had the time to dive into it yet.

The issue I see with basic/aggressive config instead of “easy config” is *mostly* the settings mean different things to different people/sites. The “easy” option sets things that are at least fairly universal for WordPress (the easy config button sets different options when used on XenForo platform for example).

While you are right that another button with hardcoded options would be easier to implement than a totally new function (copying settings from site to site), I think the copy function would be more beneficial in the long run. People can dial in their site exactly how they want and not rely on hardcoded options that may or may not work exactly well for their site. What works perfect for you (or me) isn’t necessarily how you would want to set every other site in the world (for whatever reason).
I did actually look at that possibility at one point, but it ended up being more work with too many limitations. Also, Shopify (usually) hosts the site themselves on their own Cloudflare enterprise account (so even if you made it, not many could use it).