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  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread image url.
  • W
    wynnzhang replied to the thread image url.
    Can I request a refund? I need to find an alternative solution.
  • W
    wynnzhang replied to the thread image url.
    when I use plugin like They change product image and gallery image to...
    • 961CE7CC-83C9-4ebc-A983-8D9F65C407EF.png
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread image url.
    Probably makes the most sense to report it to them. Not about adding support for this plugin exactly, but for them to support the normal...
  • W
    wynnzhang replied to the thread image url.
    I am using the WoodMart theme (
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread image url.
    Are the images considered Media within WordPress? On the presentation side, if they are being presented by a third-party plugin or...
  • W
    wynnzhang posted the thread image url in Questions and support.
    The shop and category images, as well as gallery images, are still using the default WordPress image URLs instead of being replaced by...
  • digitalpoint
    Sure, I’ll check the URL if you want to send it (and credentials) privately.
  • T
    I don't as we are in beta and behind a lock, it's not yet public. I can send you a login if I can PM you though?
  • digitalpoint
    Do you have an example URL of one of the images not working with the mime type rule enabled by chance?
  • T
    One example is using plugins that have a .svg file as part of the display. One example is Filebird Documents Library Pro, which has a...
  • digitalpoint
    There isn’t something currently, but it also wouldn’t be too hard to add. What kind of files are you having issues with exactly?
  • T
    Thank you, I did create the content-type rule as per those instructions, but still having some issues. Is there a way to block certain...
  • T
    TC33 reacted to digitalpoint's post in the thread Serving SVG / SVGZ images via R2 with Like Like.
    By default, Cloudflare R2 analyzes the object when it's uploaded to it's bucket and makes a determination about what the content type...
  • T
    TC33 reacted to digitalpoint's post in the thread Turn off auto upload into cloudflare with Like Like.
    SVG images are a unique situation because underneath it all, they are text files containing XML. See this post for info about forcing...