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  • C
    Carlos replied to the thread Purge Cache Button.
    Thank you, @digitalpoint
  • C
    Carlos reacted to digitalpoint's post in the thread Purge Cache Button with Love Love.
    Ya, I don't see that being too hard. Probably will make it a setting that someone can enable/disable rather than force it there for...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Purge Cache Button.
    Ya, I don't see that being too hard. Probably will make it a setting that someone can enable/disable rather than force it there for...
  • C
    It's possible we can have the purge cache button on the top admin bar. rather than going to CloudFlare and purging the cache again. Thanks,
  • TruThemes
    TruThemes reacted to digitalpoint's post in the thread Image Delivery Sizes with Like Like.
    I think that one has the do with it potentially causing more issues with http request timeouts. Say someone had a bunch of 10MB images...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Image Delivery Sizes.
    I think that one has the do with it potentially causing more issues with http request timeouts. Say someone had a bunch of 10MB images...
  • TruThemes
    TruThemes replied to the thread Image Delivery Sizes.
    So, yeah, that's about all it does. Plus offsite/remote conversions to reduce compute, if you need that. It does a browser check and...
  • TruThemes
    TruThemes replied to the thread Image Delivery Sizes.
    Here's the plugin's site:
  • TruThemes
    TruThemes replied to the thread Image Delivery Sizes.
    Any plans to have R2/Local transfers in the Media Library list view? Select X number and transfer?
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Image Delivery Sizes.
    I don’t think it would be terribly hard to implement webp and/or avif conversion. Is that all you are doing with that plugin?
  • TruThemes
    TruThemes replied to the thread Image Delivery Sizes.
    I've tried "Move from R2 to Local," ran an optimization on the single image, and then clicked "Move from Local to R2," but it doesn't...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint reacted to Carlos's post in the thread Migrate existing media R2 with Like Like.
    Thank you! I fixed the typo now it works great ❤️
  • C
    Carlos reacted to digitalpoint's post in the thread Migrate existing media R2 with Love Love.
    Check your transform rule. It looks like content-type has a typo (should have seen it in your screenshot). It should be image/svg+xml...
  • C
    Carlos replied to the thread Migrate existing media R2.
    Thank you! I fixed the typo now it works great ❤️
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Migrate existing media R2.
    Check your transform rule. It looks like content-type has a typo (should have seen it in your screenshot). It should be image/svg+xml...