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  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    You can use R2, it's just an issue of if you are wanting to redirect legacy/old media. Even if you didn't put old media into R2, you...
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    I have the "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders" option disabled so that means I won't be able to use R2 then? In my...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    Ya that’s not going to work for old/legacy media if you sometimes store it in the root of the folder.
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    yup, I think that should work (and remember about redirecting the media in the root folder of /upload/ because if you have the option to...
  • N
    Nergiza reacted to digitalpoint's post in the thread Several errors with Like Like.
    Ya… so you could do a redirect for URIs that start with upload/20 I’d think? That would cover media uploaded after 1999 and hopefully a...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    Ya… so you could do a redirect for URIs that start with upload/20 I’d think? That would cover media uploaded after 1999 and hopefully a...
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    Remember the problem is all plugins save their data on /upload/XXX (plugin name folder) So you don't want to redirect to R2 those...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    You should be able to minus the redirect part for old media, right? For example if you were to use it just going forward and not messing...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    Well anything in /uploads/year/month/ is of course going to be in /uploads, so you could key on the URI starting with /uploads?
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    Well, Wordpress uploads the media in folders with the date (if it is set up in that way) or just in the /uploads folder. Anything else...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    Not sure there's a realistic way to do it just for media if there's nothing differentiating media vs. other things based on the URL...
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    Question: is there any way to set a dynamic rule in CloudFlare that redirects the media to R2 only if the file requested is not inside a...
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    it's fine if the plugin files are being served from the file system but if the media files are being served from R2 their URLs across...
  • digitalpoint
    digitalpoint replied to the thread Several errors.
    Ya, WordPress doesn’t have an abstracted filesystem like XenForo does, so we can’t just say everything going to the uploads folder goes...
  • N
    Nergiza replied to the thread Several errors.
    Yes, none of the folders of the following plugins were uploaded to R2. In fact, I checked the filesystem and noticed the plugins created...
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