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  1. digitalpoint

    Redirecting old WordPress media URLs to new URLs after migrating media to R2

    For sites that migrate existing media to R2, it makes sense in most cases to redirect the old URL to the new URL. You are able to do it easily with a single Cloudflare Redirect Rule (in your Cloudflare dashboard under Rules -> Redirect Rules -> Create Rule) like so: Rule name Redirect local...
  2. digitalpoint

    Serving SVG / SVGZ images via R2

    By default, Cloudflare R2 analyzes the object when it's uploaded to it's bucket and makes a determination about what the content type should be when that object is served. Normally this works fine, but SVG/SVGZ images are a little bit of an edge case because at the core they are actually...
  3. digitalpoint

    Permissions needed for App for Cloudflare®

    App for Cloudflare® requests the minimum needed permissions to fully use all the functions it can do. For those curious about why it needs a specific permission, these are all the permissions it needs and why: Account.Access: Apps and Policies: Edit Allows Zero Trust Network Access...