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  1. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    I sent you a direct message with the updated file.
  2. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    In this particular case, I think a better solution than just logging if something failed would be to not delete those and also not flag something as being moved to R2 if it didn't work for whatever reason. Internally the system monitors Cloudflare's side and will retry a transfer if Cloudflare...
  3. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    But they are in the local filesystem now due to backup restoration, right?
  4. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    The files are still in the local filesystem and you just want to re-upload them all?
  5. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    No… click the “Edit expression” link first… you are still kinda in UI mode.
  6. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Sorry, missed the message. It’s in your Cloudflare account under redirect rules. You have the option to toggle between building the rule with a UI/drodowns or with an expression.
  7. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    You can use R2, it's just an issue of if you are wanting to redirect legacy/old media. Even if you didn't put old media into R2, you could use it going forward (no redirects needed because they never existed at an old URL). If you want to use R2 for old/already existing media and want to...
  8. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Ya that’s not going to work for old/legacy media if you sometimes store it in the root of the folder.
  9. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Ya… so you could do a redirect for URIs that start with upload/20 I’d think? That would cover media uploaded after 1999 and hopefully a third party plugin isn’t prefixed with “20”?
  10. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    You should be able to minus the redirect part for old media, right? For example if you were to use it just going forward and not messing with old media (where’d you need redirects), it should work (the way the system works, it’s not an either/or… some media can be local and some can be in R2).
  11. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Well anything in /uploads/year/month/ is of course going to be in /uploads, so you could key on the URI starting with /uploads?
  12. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Not sure there's a realistic way to do it just for media if there's nothing differentiating media vs. other things based on the URL itself. I suppose one could go into the database and do a find/replace with a SQl query, but that's going to get sketchy and isn't necessarily going to handle...
  13. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Ya, WordPress doesn’t have an abstracted filesystem like XenForo does, so we can’t just say everything going to the uploads folder goes to R2, instead we do need to hook into things upstream (which frankly is a pain in the ass), so the R2 stuff does work by hooking into the media system. I’ll...
  14. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Do you have an example of one of the plugins so I can go digging on it? It would be nice if they at least used a different prefix so someone could differentiate them.
  15. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Is the media flagged as being in R2 (orange cloud when browsing it in WordPress media system)? Ya, it’s not particularly great… their logging system is designed more for building specific queries and running those queries (it’s why Cloudflare itself doesn’t even let you see it in their normal...
  16. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Is the file in your local filesystem still? There wouldn’t really be a way to log things that *didn’t* happen. Once a logging system is in place, we could log things that did happen or we could log things that tried to happen but failed. For the failing part though, internally the mechanism...
  17. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Ya, it’s pretty unbelievable how bad it is internally. Building this plugin for it brought me close to losing my mind. See this thread:
  18. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Probably something that could be sent to the error logging system once I get that sorted out. Did I mention how dumb I think it is that WordPress has no internal error logging system? 😀
  19. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Ya that’s what I was just going to say (the issue that the screenshot didn’t have a public URL). At one point the system did try to automatically fix issues like that, but it was causing more problems that it was solving (there are times where someone doesn’t want a domain reassigned to the...
  20. digitalpoint

    Several errors

    Does that rsz_166666.gif object exist in the R2 bucket if you browse/search for it in the R2 dashboard?