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  1. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    To be clear, when you say "currently," is that the version I have installed, or the one you are currently working on to be released? I'm on Version 1.8.5
  2. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    PNG files also? So, I will need to remove all images and upload them again? Which is not a problem since this site is in development.
  3. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    So, are you going to implement image optimization before the transfer? Without it, I can't use your plugin, as optimization is a priority for me over R2. How long do you estimate implementation if you do?
  4. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    So, yeah, that's about all it does. Plus offsite/remote conversions to reduce compute, if you need that. It does a browser check and serves the best option the browser can support.
  5. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    Here's the plugin's site:
  6. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    Any plans to have R2/Local transfers in the Media Library list view? Select X number and transfer?
  7. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    I've tried "Move from R2 to Local," ran an optimization on the single image, and then clicked "Move from Local to R2," but it doesn't transfer the optimized images, only the PNG images. However, after doing that, the srcset images are no longer the cropped versions. For now, it will probably be...
  8. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    Here is the IMG tag from my desktop; I'll add a screenshot from my phone. <img data-perfmatters-preload="" loading="eager" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" src="" data-fetchpriority="high" alt="Image of a Thyme plant." class="wp-image-253 no-lazyload" width="600px" height="620"...
  9. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    When I use srcset, I get cropped images. It's weird; I've never seen this before. I'll set this image of a Thyme plant back to srcset so you can see what I'm talking about. Use DevTools and select mobile to see the cropped version. Normally, it resizes the...
  10. TruThemes

    Image Delivery Sizes

    Can I rerun thumbnails and image optimizations and re-sync them up to R2? Where can I find your Docs? Does srcset still work properly from R2?
  11. TruThemes

    SVG Header Images Fail

    Yep, I had "And" instead of "Or."
  12. TruThemes

    SVG Header Images Fail

    I removed all of my images and uploaded them again so they would go to my bucket, I added my logo to my header, but they don't display. They do not display in the media library either. There are objects like they exist, but there is nothing to see. Here is a link to one of the SVG files in...